What a magical meditative adventure it was with Gillian and her aquatic healing tribe. The mental float down into the deep blue sea was such a peaceful and freeing experience! I am so looking forward to our real oceanic adventures now with all of the whale and dolphin friends out there to guide us to those higher frequencies and good vibrations. Yes please!! Much more hidden wisdoms to come with Mermaid Gem as your guide!

Heather L. California

Before having a dolphin and whale energy session with Gillian I was experiencing coughing and hacking that progressed into coughing fits that then turned into vomiting fits 2 weeks post covid.
During the session I felt swirling energy all around me that was simultaneously calming and exhilarating.
Not only did the session help me physically but mentally I felt less troubled and found sudden clarity.
Since the session I feel like my sense of smell has been restored and even enhanced to pre having covid in 2021. Also, the coughing fits stopped immediately after the session.
I'm extremely thankful to Gillian and the dolphins for providing the connection needed to heal.

margarita c.

Communicating with Whales? Sounds wild if you’ve been fortunate enough to experience their majestic presence and energy up close. It may seem impossible if you haven’t but Gillian’s ability to bring her relationship with the whales and their healing attributes to her sessions is remarkable. Get comfy, relax and take a deep sea dive in the comfort of her studio set in the serene canyons of Monte Nido. 


The weeks leading up to the session were easily the most stressful I have contended with in the past several years. I was feeling overwhelmed, anxious and exhausted. I was finding it hard to focus and complete necessary tasks. When I was walking into the session I was filled with nervous energy.

Gillian did such a wonderful job making me feel at ease and welcoming me into a new process I was not familiar with. She created a relaxed environment and I instantly started to feel more far less nervous. As the session began I felt a sense of calm and connection start to take root in me. The sounds of the whales and dolphins were beautiful and gave me a feeling of peace. As the session progressed I continued to feel that sense of peace and calm grow and I began to experience something I hadn't felt in quite some time, relief.

The days after the session this state of peace and calm remained and grew stronger. I found it easier to focus and more importantly I found it easier to disregard external sources of stress that would normally trigger my anxiety. The experience as a whole was profound and Gillian was pivotal in creating an environment to open me up to that experience. I highly recommend Gillian and her healing sessions to any and everyone.

Adam O.

I didn't know what to expect when we started the session but it was easy to trust and share with Gillian. She's so kind, warm and compassionate. During the session and for the rest of the day I felt noticeably more comfortable in my own skin. The whales and dolphins guided me to take better care of myself, specifically cutting back on caffeine, alcohol, and absorbing other people's bad feelings. I've known for some time that I need to do these three activities and since the session I have felt a lot less resistance in making the healthy choice. It's been easier and more fun to take care of myself and I sometimes chuckle to myself when I grab water instead of a beer and say "the whales and dolphins made me do it!"

Britta J

Much gratitude and thanks to Gillian, the whales and dolphins!

I went to Gillian for a session to drop the feeling of unworthiness so I could step into my power and also feel confident doing so. When I left my session with Gillian I was feeling totally powerful and confident not to mention happy!

During my session so many awesome things happened. I could actually feel myself in the ocean swimming with the dolphins and even becoming one with them. The bliss from this brought tears to my eyes which by the end of the session was nothing but laughter. My body strongly reacted to this powerful session by releasing energy through movement. They took me on a journey showing me how my past life affected my current life and how it related to it.

Go experience it for yourself, swim with the whales, dolphins and Gillian...what are you waiting for? PS You won't regret it."

Judy M.

Lucky for me, my path intersected with Gillian’s through the communal bond of our daughter’s Girl Scout troop.
Gillian, a figure of quiet strength, and mindful energy, sparked my intrigue at a time when I was navigating my own journey of energy recuperation. Having expended some of my goodwill on undeserving parties, I was keen to decipher the art of safeguarding one’s energy, a mastery Gillian seemed to embody with ease. My curiosity unveiled her role as a healer, a revelation that resonated deeply with my soul’s path to surround myself with genuine spirits.

Gillian introduced me to the profound concept of frequency work, sharing her harmonious connection with the sentient beings of the sea - whales and dolphins. As a seasoned scuba enthusiast, the notion of an oceanic kinship wasn’t foreign to me, yet Gillian’s perspective illuminated a new depth of communion with marine life. Eager, I arranged for a session, entering with an open heart and mind, only to be met with insights about myself that Gillian had intuited even before our meeting commenced, down to what song I was listening to the night before and drive over. Her sanctuary, a haven of tranquility, lush greenery, and enveloping silence, facilitated a profound openness, allowing for a deeper, peaceful introspection.

Our session was a ritualistic journey, commencing and concluding with ceremonies that transcended a typical session with anyone else. Our conversations flowed, revealing a synchronicity in our thoughts and feelings. Gillian’s perceptiveness during the session, coupled with the relevancy of the angel card drawn, mirrored the current chapters of my life, offering clarity and direction. The aftermath of our encounter left me feeling profoundly seen, uplifted and inspired. A tangible weight had been lifted, ushering in a surge of creativity and a renewed connection to the surrounding goodness. My affinity with nature intensified, along with a heightened awareness and a serene contentment that can only be described as divine.
Gillian’s thoughtful follow-up served as a gentle reminder of our shared experience. Raised in a culture steeped in meditation and mysticism, I've encountered many who profess to wield spiritual insight, yet
Gillian’s authenticity shines brightly as a beacon of true energy conduction. Her gift, undeniable and profound, has led me to gift her sessions to close friends, hoping to extend her remarkable energy to those dear to me.

Chrissy H. California